February 20, 1930 – JSA to Giles Maxwell

  • February 20, 1930 – JSA to Giles Maxwell [personal] – Building #2

Dear Giles:

I have never heard of your catching a fish in Lake George, but other people have, and it is thought that if there were more fish, that more people would enjoy catching them. At any rate, your claim to a piece of property on the Lake should insure your interest to the extent of helping the movement referred to in the enclosed correspondence, to better the fishing conditions, and I am wondering if you would not like to preach this gospel to others who frequent the Lake from Schenectady, and get them to contribute a reasonable amount to further the work, as outlined in the attached.

I am sure Mr. Sherman would be another sportsman who would greatly appreciate your help.

My conservation activities prevent me from taking the kind of interest that this field deserves.

Very truly yours,
