February 2, 1931 – JSA to Miss Rosine M. Mullarkey

  • February 2, 1931 – JSA to Miss Rosine M. Mullarkey (Albany – Adirondack Mountain Club) –

My dear Miss Mullarkey:

I was glad to learn from Mr. Howard that you took down the various discussions, or principal parts of them, which took place at our Annual Meeting, and while the matter is still fresh in my mind, I should like very much to have a copy of Mr. Rabenold’s speech and the comments of Mr. Clarence L. Fischer. The scattering remarks made by myself were of less importance and since I was talking myself rather rapidly, it is quite unlikely that you were able to get my comments in full. I should, however, appreciate if you would send me a copy of the words spoken by me as you obtained them, and I shall, of course, be only too glad to compensate you in full for your trouble in transcribing your notes.

I received the extra copies of High Spots, and wish to thank you, and would also appreciate if you would send me a bill in full for both the pamphlets and the trouble you have been put to.

Cordially yours,
