February 2, 1928 – JSA to Wm. Dalton

  • February 2, 1928 – JSA to Wm. Dalton (Building 2)

Dear Mr. Dalton:

I have your note of the 31st, and I will take no further action on our land problem or the Sexton property.

We had a very rare opportunity to get others to finance the purchase of the Sexton property and thus prevent a commercial development in our neighborhood, and I regret that minor things were allowed to interfere.

It seems only fair to you that I express the hope that your suggestion of selling part of your land adjoining mine to someone other than myself is only a suggestion, since otherwise the economic features of the situation would compel me to sell my half interest in the Roosevelt property to the highest bidder, and I certainly do not wish to take such action.

If we have another opportunity to extend and safeguard the good features of our Lake George environment, I hope we may act more wisely, if only for the sake of the neighborhood.

Cordially yours,
