February 16, 1922 – JSA to Sylvia Loines

  • 16, 1922 – JSA to Sylvia Loines

Miss Sylvia:

I have just finished reading Miss Hilda’s note and am glad to learn that you and part of your family will be at the lake. For the first time in my life, I don’t feel like visiting my camp; neither do I feel like spending the weekend here, so I will probably visit the Narrows and should I make the trip, will follow your sister’s suggestion and call up the farm house, with the idea that you may have some plans for your friends that I could help carry out. If you care to do so, we might arrange a trip Sunday over to the Narrows depending on the weather conditions and other variables which I do not now know.

I was disappointed in not having my sails and other equipment, including the camp available for your party but as your appreciate, circumstances were far beyond my control.

With best regards to you all,

Hurriedly and sincerely yours,