December 5, 1929 – JSA to Mr. Richard Bolton

  • December 5, 1929 – JSA to Mr. Richard Bolton (Haigh on Lake George, NY) –

Dear Mr. Bolton:

I still have something on my mind which I hope to do for the welfare of Lake George, and would like very much to talk it over with you and get the benefit of your judgment and cooperation, if you agree with me.

I have intended driving over to see you from my camp which, you may know, is located just below the Algonquin, but each week I find my time is too short and I am writing with the idea that you may be coming down this way sometime in the near future and might be able to stop off and have lunch with ma at the Mohawk Club, or you might know of some time I the near future when you will be out to Bolton or Glen Falls.

Hoping that I will be able to see you in the near future without too much inconvenience to yourself, I remain

Cordially yours,
