December 4, 1929 – John Agar to JSA

  • December 4, 1929 – John Agar (Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks) to JSA

Dear Mr. Apperson:

I have received your letter of the 3rd instant, relating to the action of the Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks against the Conservation Commission to have Chapter 417 of the Laws of 1929 declared unconstitutional.

I am glad you approve of our proceeding.

We are undoubtedly right and I expect a victory in the Appellate Division. If, However, that court fails to declare the Act unconstitutional, we shall certainly take the appeal to the Court of Appeals.

If it be constitutional to destroy the wild forests and cut down the trees for a bobsled run, it will be equally constitutional to destroy the wild forests and cut down the trees for baseball fields, football fields, and golf links and then we will be up against the commercialization of the Adirondack region.

Sincerely yours,

John G. Agar