- December 20, 1929 – JSA to Peabody –
Dear Mr. Peabody:
The enclosed clipping appearing in the Schenectady “Union Star”, December 18th, purports to carry a statement from the Governor that he has not asked for MacDonald’s resignation, and conveys the idea that he does not intend to bring about such a change. The Governor could certainly turn a big liability into an asset by following the example of Governor Hughes when he removed Commissioner Whipple under similar circumstances.
The mis-information which Commissioner MacDonald gave Acting Governor Lehman, and the same information later to Governor Roosevelt, on Lake George, and his unwillingness to act I behalf of the public on the Paradise Bay land would seem to constitute sufficient grounds for such action, and as it was pointed out to me yesterday by a prominent politician, such action by the Governor in connection with such a place so much admired as Lake George would enlist the sympathy of a great mass of people, and would neutralize the persistent effort to create undue sympathy for the Commissioner.
It seems apparent to all the sportsmen of my acquaintance, that the performance of the Conservation Commissioner at the annual meeting of the Forest, Fish and Game Association, lost him much of his support in that group, and they are very outspoken about it.
The more I hear of Osborne, not Lithgow but his brother, the more certain I am that he would be a good man as Commissioner, and would enlist the sympathetic support of the best element and I only wish there was something I could do to further his appointment.’
I am not sending copies of this letter to anyone, but you are at liberty to do so if you care to.
Tomorrow I am making my annual Christmas trip to Virginia, and hope I will be able to see you on my return, the latter part of next week.
With sincere wishes of the Season, I remain