December 20, 1929 – JSA to John Agar


  • December 20, 1929 – JSA to Mr. John G. Agar (President , Ass. For the Protection of the Adirondacks)

Dear Mr. Agar:

Possibly you have not seen the article in the press yesterday, quoting Colonel Greene regarding the Whiteface Road coming within 200 feet of the summit of the mountain, to meet a vertical shaft which is to be driven from the top, through which elevators can be operated to get the visitors to the exact summit. Also plans for a stone lodge on the top. Of course the tunnel will require a power plant, and no doubt we are in a fair way to have an extensive institution on the top of the mountain, which you probably prophesized during the effort of your organization to discourage this encroachment.

The busy public is so poorly informed, we who are interested in conservation seem to wait until the last minute and it seems there should be some more effective way of educating the people to appreciate the great importance of protecting the natural features of the Adirondacks. There is evidence of a very well organized effort to promote further encroachments, and of course this cannot be met effectively without organized effort. No doubt you appreciate this as well as I, and are contributing more than your share of effort in that direction.

Wishing you success in such efforts, and with compliments of the Season, I remain

Cordially yours,


P.S. It is suggested by one of my associates that the vertical shaft might be extended down to the bottom of the mountain, at somewhat the same expense as the entire road, and make it much easier and more comfortable for the public to reach the top, particularly in bad weather, with less disfigurement to the scenery and open at all times of the year. J.S.A.