December 20, 1929 – D. A. Loomis to JSA


  • December 20, 1929 – D. A. Loomis (Champlain Transportation Co, – Burlington, VT) to JSA –

Dear Mr. Apperson:

I appreciate very much your letter of December 17th. It is a pleasure for me to hear from you again and seems like I had received a Christmas present from an old friend. I am indeed glad to review the correspondence of 13 years ago concerning the protection of the islands and shore lines of Lake George.

I recall quite vividly, though some years have elapsed, the trip Mr. Weatherwax and I made with you to the Narrows one fine winter morning, with you running around in a snow storm and a temperature somewhere towards the zero mark in very light raiment. No gloves on your hands and in other ways showing up the natives. However, one learns by experience and I think if I was to repeat the trip I would put my eiderdown under clothing on under my suit and at least from outward appearances be quite equal to my associates in withstanding the vigor of winter, in this northern climate.

Now in relation to the permanent protection of Paradise bay shore land. I will gladly cooperate with you in your endeavors. Just how far we can go in this undertaking is uncertain, but I believe that young Mr. Knapp is very much interested in Lake George and I have hopes that when approached from the right direction will do everything possible particularly so as it to retain the natural shore beauties of the Little Bay. As far as I know the Senior Mr. Knapp has not been very much interested in the Lake George property since his residence on the side of Shelving Rock burned up. I do not even know if the Senior Mr. Knapp is alive at the present time. I do know that the young Mr. Knapp comes there and spends a considerable time but more particularly in the fall of the year than during mid-summer.

When you have been able to outline a definite plan and what you would like to have us do. I shall be glad to undertake to interest our influential officials in this work. That is about all that I can say at the present excepting to repeat my pleasure in hearing from you again.

With best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, believe me,

Very truly yours,

  1. A. Loomis