December 19, 1944 – Robert Moses to JSA

  • December 19, 1944 – Robert Moses (25 East End Avenue, NYC) to JSA (General Electric Company) –

Dear John:

I looked over the data which you left with me regarding the Lake George water level problem, and have discussed this matter with several engineers.

While my basic sympathies are always with you as to Lake George ,matters, I really cannot in this instance and with the limited time I can give to it figure out the best solution of the problem. There are obviously two plans in controversy, each advocated by reputable people, namely those advocating retention of the present paper company dam with the water level regulated by the state Superintendent of Public Works and those advocating that the State acquire the title to the outlet and mill dam, restore the natural dam, and regulate the water. My suggestion is that you work on this within Orin Judd.

With best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, I am


Robert Moses