December 11, 1929 – JSA to Smith Johannsen

  • December 11, 1929 – JSA to Mr. Smith Johannsen –

Dear Johannsen:

We have snow all about us, and have been on skiis the same as you in the Laurentians, and as usual we are still interested in finding a foot-piece better than the one we have, and if you can send us three sets of the latest up to date improved models which you think are good, and advise me as to the amount, I would greatly appreciate your effort and will send you a check. Of course what we would like most would be to have you bring them down and let us show you how to handle skiis on some of our new ski trails at Lake George. I am quite sure we could not keep up with that boy, but we would like to lead the way for you.

We expect to have a very fine party New Years, and if you can arrange to bring your family down, it would give me much pleasure to have them at my camp at Lake George.

I suppose you know that Langmuir is planning to leave here the early part of January for a two months trip to Europe. He is urging me to spend a month with him in Switzerland, but unfortunately I do not find it possible to join him.

With best wishes to each member of your family for the Holidays, I remain

Cordially yours,
