December 11, 1929 – JSA to Mr. C. Grinnel (re: Tsukomoto, Japan)


  • December 11, 1929 – JSA to Mr. C. Grinnel, Manager Sales, International GE Co, – Tokyo, Japan)

Dear Mr. Grinnel:

I am sending to you under separate cover a photograph and would greatly appreciate your effort in sending it to Mr. C. Tsukamoto’s family with my greetings. As you probably know, Mr. Tsukomoto did valuable work as one of my assistants, and won the admiration of all the people with whom he came in contact, and I regarded him as one of my very best friends.

The picture shows some of the country at Lake George which Mr. Tsukamoto greatly enjoyed, and is seen from the camp we used to frequent, and his family might for this reason be interested in it.

Should you find it convenient to write me anything about the members of Mr. Tsukamoto’s family, and their welfare, I would greatly appreciate your interest.

With compliments of the season to you, and thanking you for such attention as you may be able to give this, I remain

Cordially yours,
