September 16, 1908 (George McAneny to property owners at Lake George)
The Bolton Improvement Association
Bolton Landing, Lake George, New York
September 16, 1908
The Bolton Improvement Association invites your attendance at a general conference of residents interested in the welfare of Lake George to be held at the Sagamore Hotel at twelve o’clock, noon, Wednesday, the 23rd instant, for the purpose of discussing the following subjects:
- The necessity of taking some steps to secure legislation at the next legislative session through which the forests of the shores of the Lake may be more effectively protected.
- The desirability of securing a restoration of the former post office name of Caldwell, so that the inconvenience arising from the use of the name “lake George” as the designation of a single locality may be avoided.
- Such other matters, relating to the common interests of the Lake as may be presented.
As perhaps the most effective means of preserving forests, it has been suggested that the Legislature and the Governor be asked either to extend the lines of the “Adirondack Park” so as to include the lake, or to establish a separate “Lake George Park:” on similar lines, within the limits of which the State would in future be at liberty to purchase lands for public reservation whenever such reservation may seem desirable.
Governor Hughes, who has been invited to address a meeting of another character to be held at the Sagamore the same day, has written that if he does come to the Lake he will speak at this conference also.
If you will extend this invitation to others of your locality who would be interested, the Bolton Association will greatly appreciate it. May I ask, also, that if you are able to attend, you will let me have a brief line to that effect, addressed to Bolton Landing.
Very truly yours,
George McAneny, President