- June 16, 1937 – William G. Howard to JSA –
Dear Sir;
Your letter of May 25 with regard to protecting the trees on Ship Island, Lake George, is received.
Altho I did not mention it to you in my letter, we are planning to do additional rip-rapping on this island as a further protection to the trees there.
Your letter charges me with a personal responsibility for any destruction of scenery that may have been caused at Lake George by high water. I resent this charge because there is no justification for it, and I trust you will retract it. In order that you may know what has been done with regard to the taking of legal steps to control high water on the lake, I am enclosing herewith a copy of a letter Commissioner Osborne sent Dr. Stanton in May, 1936. *
Very truly yours,
- G. Howard, Director, Lands and Forests
*Com. Osborne expresses again in this letter his willingness to bring suit, but again offers reasons for further delay.