1911 – September 30 – JSA to Mr. W. H. Burnett, Game Warden, re: Articles stolen

Dear Sir:
Regarding the attached copy of Mr. Williams’ Sept. 26th letter, the following is a partial list of the articles stolen:

  • 1 -7X8 dark brown, water-proof tent, Baker shelter model, easily identified by a large patch in the roof to the right of center when facing the front of the tent
  • 2 Stretcher beds, one with extra oil cloth sewed on bottom, the other having been repaired through the center
  • 1 – dark gray raincoat.
  • 1 – pillow
  • approximately 30 feet of oil cloth
  • 1 piece waterproof canvas, approximately 3’ by 7 ‘.
  • Cooking outfit, consisting of pails, two frying pans, cups, knives, etc..
  • Supplies, estimated cost, $3.00

While the value of the entire outfit would probably not exceed $13.00 in the market, we were not only greatly inconvenienced but it leaves a feeling that will not only interfere with our pleasure in the future but will effect a great many others who come to me for advice about camping in this section.

You are familiar with the local conditions and I would like to leave it entirely to your judgment as to the advisability of taking steps toward locating this party and making an example of them in behalf of others who camp, and I will bear any expense you consider justifies the action you recommend.

Thanking you for the interest you have already taken as expressed in Mr. Williams’ letter, I remain,

Very truly yours,