1911 – July 31 – JSA to J. F. Tritle (Hiawatha Lodge, Sabbath Day Point, Lake George, NY)

I was unable to reach your place as intended and thought possibly you and your wife might like to run down to Pearl Point on the morning boat and paddle back in my canoe which I would very much like to have you use. The remains of a crude tent and cooking outfit you will find on the upper end of Dollar Island, with two stretcher beds, sugar, potatoes, etc.

I would suggest that you arrange to stop there at least for dinner. It will be a diversion and decidedly easy trip for you. The water through the Narrows is never dangerous and the two life preserver cushions would make you very secure.

Would like for you to use the canoe the rest of the week and take with you the two dark brown bags which contain sufficient bedding and other articles for three, and I could come to Sabbath Day Point Saturday night instead of Pearl Point as usual; or, you could arrange to camp on Dollar Island Saturday night, dropping me a postal and meeting me at Pearl Point with the canoe. Whatever you find most convenient, will suit me best.

Hoping you all are having a real rest, I remain,

Hurriedly yours,