August 9, 1926 – JSA to Jim Cawley (Glenn island)


  • August 9, 1926 – JSA to Jim Cawley (Glenn Island on Lake George)

Dear Jim,

I was indeed sorry to miss you both Saturday and Sunday, and also, to learn that you had trouble entering my camp. The Huddle Bay shack was left unlocked purposely for you, and I presume some of the many friends came by and thought they were doing me a kindness to lock it up.  Dodge informed me this morning that you failed to find your duffle in the Turtle Bay Camp. I put your pneumatic mattress on top of one of the cots underneath the mattress with the idea that it might be there when you arrived. If I recall correctly, I also attempted to cover up some duffle in the extreme northwestern corner. Either this was your duffle or someone else’s, I am not sure. I do hope you will make another effort and succeed in finding all the things you are in need of.

It will be a hard struggle from now to your opening day to get things in shape, but it might be well to keep in mine that your eye is worth more than the meeting. I know, however, that you are apt to do as I have often done, put my project ahead of everything else.

Buell and Dodge were in talking to me this morning. I hope I can stimulate them to help you in as many ways as possible. Anything you find of use in my camp in Turtle Bay you will of course feel free to take advantage of.

Dodge, I believe, has written you a letter regarding his effort to help you gat a man through Arthur Bradley. I would suggest that you call on Bradley for any emergency work which you may have, since he is one of the go-getters in that section.

With best regards to you and your family, I remain,

Cordially yours,
