August 5, 1929 – L. C. Smith (NY Power & Light) to J. C. Regan

  • August 5, 1929 – L. C. Smith (New York Power and Light) to Mr. J. C. Regan (Lighting Section, GE) –

Dear Mr. Regan:

Under date of August 1st you made an inquiry of Mr. William M. Pierson, of this Company, concerning the estimated cost of equipping the single signal installation at Erie Boulevard and Union Street with proper fire control. The installation at this one point is estimated to cost $830.00.

Such an installation would eliminate the necessity for two fire control relays and one timer, because of omitting the equipment for the traffic signals located at Erie Boulevard and state Street and Erie Boulevard and Liberty Street. However there would be no reduction in the amount of cable or other control equipment needed.

Very truly yours,

  1. C. Smith

Vice President and Division Manager