- August 29, 1956 – Paul B. Sears to the Board of Governors, Nature Conservancy –
On August 18th, 1956, in company with Mssrs. Whitney, Apperson, and others, I visited Dome Island in Lake George. Essential information concerning the character of this island is available to you through printed material, but I wish to add that in my judgment this is an area eminently worth preserving. Lake George and environs are under increasingly intense pressure from vacationers. Many of its islands are either occupied by summer homes of have been converted into excellent public camping grounds. Several have been eroded to shoals by shifting lake levels caused by industrial use of the outlet waters, and Dome Island with its glacial till mantle has been preserved only through the vigorous efforts of Mr. Apperson.
The vegetation of Dome Island is almost classic in its composition and structure. The northern extremity has white pine and hemlock, the southern end white and red oak and red pine. The central ridge retains black oak of the former oak chestnut community, while paper birch and linden occur throughout. Thus we have, in small compass a clean-cut record, not only of environmental effects, but of the mingling and successful adjustment of early and late post-glacial migrants.
In my judgment prompt action to safeguard this area is called for.
Respectfully yours,
Paul B. Sears