August 24, 1943 – Memorandum from JSA; Re: Joint Legislative Committee

  • August 24, 1943 – Memorandum from J. S. Apperson


The defective subpoena issued by Hon. Richard J. Sherman, Chairman of the Joint Legislative Committee on Lake George Water Conditions, was served on me Thursday, August 12 at about 6 P.M. Among other questionable features was the absence of any particular day which I was to attend.

The next morning I went to work as usual, lunching at the Mohawk Club as usual, returning to work after lunch as usual and visiting the dentist after which later in the afternoon I drove to Lake George.

Saturday I discussed with several members of the committee who have intervened on the side of the State in the pending suit to determine the water rights on Lake George the evidence and testimony which they might wish to give before the court and the possible adverse effect on such testimony if they appear before the Investigation Committee.

Sunday I lunched with Solicitor General Judd and his family at Silver Bay. In the afternoon we climbed Deer Leap where we spent much of our time discussing the various angles of the pending suit over the water question and the evidence pertaining thereto.

`           Monday I spend much of my time around camp and with my near neighbors, the weather not being particularly good for pictures.

Tuesday I started on a picture taking expedition of the damaged shores on State islands, returning Friday afternoon to my camp.

Part of Saturday and Saturday night I spent with Dr. Langmuir returning Sunday night to my home in Schenectady.

I was surprised to learn later that no action was taken by the Governor to prevent the interference by the Legislative Committee with the preparation of the suit as suggested would be taken by the Governor in Mr. Cohan’s letter to me dated May 4, 1943.

  1. S. Apperson

August 24, 1943