April 3, 1931 – JSA to Rabenold

  • April 3, 1931 – JSA to Ellwood Rabenold –

My dear Mr. Rabenold:

The most important information that has reached me since the passage of the Hewitt tree-cutting amendment is your letter today regarding the passage of the so-called Porter Recreation bill – dance halls, et cetera, non-descript and otherwise.

Those who have been talking loud against this amendment and even threatening to oppose the Reforestation Amendment in the event that this house building amendment went through, will now have an opportunity to stand up straight, and I would like to suggest a brief on just what can be done in the way of cutting trees, building roads, erecting structures as provided for under the Porter bill. My mind does not reach far enough to picture all the things that could be done.

It is, however, still fresh with the memories of several years fighting to get structures taken down that accumulated even after the adoption of Section 7, Article VII I 1895. In other words, I have the very decided impression that in 1915 the 900 or more squatters revealed at that time on State land were in excess of those who had occupied the State land under a leasing system that was nullified by the adoption of that part of Section 7 that says – “the land shall not be leased, sold, exchanged or taken.”

We must arouse those who have private places in the Adirondacks and plenty of means to support them near State land, and yet take no interest in defending this great instrument which has protected them for so many years.

Hoping you will bring that good family of yours, each and every one, up for a breath of Lake George are sometime in the near future, I remain with best regards to all of them,

Sincerely yours,


c.c. to Mrs. H.E. Dreier and Mr. R. Moot

(Dear Mr. Moot: I think this is another opportunity for a letter from you to that great friend of your dad’s, Elihu Root. JSA)