April 2, 1930 – JSA to Fred Saunders

April 2, 1930 – JSA to Fred Saunders –

Dear Saunders:

One of your old friends in my office has suggested that I send you the enclosed articles, written by the President of the New york City Club, on a very important attempt to amend our Constitution. Like all movements of this kind, there is enough virtue to attract a great following.

Briefly, we claim that reports of the Conservation Commission show more than enough idle lands outside the recreation areas to establish a production forest preserve independently and separately from the playground, thus separating the commercial from the non-commercial activities, similar to the national government. As you know, they have parks geographically separated from their forest preserves. It seems high time in New York State that we encourage the lumber interests to get out of our playground and take this opportunity of buying twenty million dollars worth of land in the relatively flat country away from the sportsmen’s paradise, where they an raise and cut trees without interfering with our activities.

If you can get this article by Mrs. Dreier published in one of your local newspapers, as suggested by Mr. Dodge, no doubt it would be very helpful to us at this time.

Hoping you are enjoying good health, I am

Cordially yours,
