April 16, 1930 – George Foster Peabody to JSA

April 16, 1930 – George Foster Peabody to JSA (Mohawk Club, Schenectady)–

Dear Mr. Apperson:

Thank you for your enclosures of which I spoke with you over the telephone. You did not return my original from Mr. Woodbury of which I not you had copies made. For your personal confidential use I enclose to you pages which have some reference to things that interest you.

At your convenience I should be glad if you would let me know if you have any definite knowledge of or views respecting the American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society. Mrs. Peabody left to them in her will Diamond Island on Lake George which they have neglected to watch and care for. I endeavored to have them transfer to the Conservation Department, which would have its inspectors keep the property in shape not allowing overnight campers – the tree growth there is too important to be risked. Unfortunately the Society did not agree. I have in mind to take it up again this summer and might be aided by some pertinent observations from people familiar with conditions on the Lake.

I am faithfully yours, George Foster Peabody

[ Note – “I am glad to say that the Society has at last yielded to my urging and will make agreement to put Diamond Island under care of NY State (?); April 3rd – G F Peabody]