- April 10, 1931 – JSA to Belle Moskowitz –
My dear Mrs. Moskowitz:
Possibly you know that fishing equipment varies with individual taste almost to the extent that wearing apparel differs, and one must be cautious in offering advice. The following, however, is a general suggestion that might be offered to a fisherman so far away that he cannot show his disapproval:
- Halford tapered lines suitable for the rod used.
- A dozen or more tapered leaders about 7 ½ feet in length with container to keep them flexible.
- Waders or boots, a landing net, creel and bother wet and dry flies, with container
- Some fishermen here consider the English fly more securely fastened and lighter than American flies. It is said, however, that our fish do not rise well to English flies, which sounds like commercial propaganda. A standard fly called ‘”coachman” with bat wings, is very popular here and is used in England.
- The visible hackle with two kinds of wrapping, white next to the shell (?), followed by a marsh brown mixture, is favored.
- Hair eyes with fuzz are favored.
- Fly oil and dressing for line is considered desirable
- 10 and No. 12 hooks are considered more suitable in size than the English hooks.
- 4 hooks for bait fishing, with split shot, usually accompany the fishermen in this section.
Since your son-in-law is already a fisherman, the above list may seem quite unnecessary to him.
Our experts claim that June will be too late for surface Lake George trout fishing. I shall, however, expect your son-in-law to make my camp his headquarters since he can reach the fishing farther north from this location, if found desirable.
Some of my friends inform me that the Ausable River and Ausable Lakes are the best fishing in June. I will get more information on this point and the particular places, in time for a final decision later.
I hope your busy days will not prevent you from enjoying a rest at Lake George at the same time your son-in-law supplies the camp with plenty of fresh fish to eat.
Cordially yours,