April 10, 1929 – JSA to William Hill

  • April 10, 1929 – JSA to William Hill –

Dear Mr. Hill:

Dr. Langmuir reminded me yesterday that we had not constructed the new shelter over the two motorboat slips which we had intended to do last winter, and since you are now so busy with the camp for the Mersereau’s, I would suggest that you get some sheet iron roofing of suitable length for the cover over Dr. Langmuir’s boat and before putting it on paint it a grey-green with the paint now in the front part of my boathouse, and when you have an opportunity sometime later we can use this same roofing for the more permanent and larger structure.

Today we are having a blizzard, and I hope it will not interfere seriously with the work you are doing.

Many thanks for your trouble over the birthday cake which many of us enjoyed.

Cordially yours,
