- April 1, 1941 – New York Times
Long after the present session of the State Legislature has been forgotten the eastern shore of Lake George, between Shelving Rock and Hulett’s Landing, will tell the story of one proposal now pending. In this area, along the lake shore for about eight miles and running back to the slopes of Shelving Rock Mountain, Sleeping Beauty, Erebus, Black and Elephant Mountains, lie more than 7,000 acres of hardwood and softwood timber. Whether it remains timber or becomes lumber depends on the appropriation of $200,000 to add it to the State Forest preserve lands. If not bought by the State it will probably be sold to a lumber company. There would be lasting damage to the beauty of the region and an increased fire risk.
The owner prefers to sell to the State. The price is thought to be reasonable. The benefits to this and coming generations if the forest is saved will be large. The plan is a worthy one, even in this year of stringency. It should be approved.