- February 15, 1926 – Jim Cawley (American Canoe Association) to JSA
Dear Jay:
Howard and I tried unsuccessfully to get to the Lake on Friday by car but were forced back after we had gone about two miles from Schenectady by the drifts. Several cars were snow bound ahead and we finally beat it back and grabbed the trolley car to Ballston where we made the regular morning train to Lake George. Jay Taylor met us in his “Packard” and took us home to a delightful home cooked dinner.
After dinner we hired Mr. Bradley and his sleigh and drove over to Turtle and agreed on the things that must be done, and I was certainly surprised and pleased at the evident desire on the part of Taylor to do whatever is necessary. My agreement to be personally responsible for team hire was the one thing that was needed to start things and they are of one mind with me regarding the things needed and I am satisfied that things are moving now in the right direction.
We drove back to town and then went over back of the Bay and looked at the houses that you suggested they give us and Howard told Jay to start on Monday to wreck them preparatory to carrying them over to Turtle. Howard is sending three Rangers down from the Adirondacks to so this work and Taylor believes that with the four of them working that they can get a great quantity of lumber on the Island in a week. They will also cut down the dangerous timber which is not so plentiful, and we will pile it where it is needed for us.
They have agreed to build the docks and will try to brush the island if they have time. However that is not important because I can take up a gang in the spring and clean it up in a weekend.
Taylor has arranged for a special supply of milk for us and has also arranged for the delivery of ice so at least all the things I worried about were discussed and I can’t help but believe that they will all be taken care of now.
As you know we had a wonderful day and I enjoyed it very much. The first experience on snow shoes was more delightful than I anticipated and I am now a convert to the idea.
Howard and I got along famously and I was glad of an opportunity to get acquainted with him as I believe we shall be very good friends. I spent part of Friday evening at his home and also met his splendid family.
You have gathered by now that I am enthused over the things that are underway and will be done. I am and I now feel more certain of a successful Meet.
It is my opinion that my letter to Howard, with its panicky tone made them believe up there that I thought things were gone all to pieces and they probably decided that I would appeal to you for help. Therefore as your “sweetheart” Pettis says you make for unrest and he probably figured that the easiest thing to do would be to get me to get me right up there and show me that they could get things started. I believed this because of the remark that Howard made and the fact that Pettis has turned this whole A.C.A. matter over to Howard.
I left the snow shoes in the cabin but we did not stay over night as we started home late in the afternoon and I came on down by sleeper.
So I want to thank you for helping to push things over the grade and I won’t call on you much if I can help it. You have worried enough of your own.
Hoping that things look better than they did the other night and that you will let me help as I suggested I am,
Cordially yours,
Jim Cawley