- August 26, 1925 – document in Apperson’s file:
State of New York Conservation Commission
Pay-roll for White Pine Blister Rust Control
On lands of Apperson and Dalton – Bolton , NY
Men furnished by the State of New York:
Name Position No. hours Wages per hour Amount
Frank Elliott Laborer 8 45cents
Horace Elliott “ 8 43 ¾ cents
Men to be paid by Apperson and Dalton:
Floyd Harris “ 8 40 cents $3.20
Leslie Prosser “ 8 40 cents $3.20
Ralph McNeal “ 8 40 cents $3.20
Kenneth Morehouse “ 8 40 cents $3.20
Truman Morehouse “ 8 40 cents $3.20
Total $16.00
Transportation 28 miles @8cents per mile = $2.24 $ 2.24
Total $18.24
Note: During the time covered by this statement there were 79 wild gooseberries and 161 skunk currants destroyed making a total of 240 ribes…