- June 2, 1921 –
A.C.A. Inter-Division Regatta, Lake George
June 24, 25 & 26th, 1921
Brother Canoeists – Greetings:
This letter is to announce the Second Annual Inter-Division Regatta and Camp of the Central, Eastern and Atlantic Divisions, to be held at Huddle Bay, Lake George, on June 24,25, & 26th under the auspices of the Edison Club of Schenectady.
The camp site is at Bolton Landing, N.Y. on the shore of Huddle Bay on the property of Mr. J. S. Apperson, and includes a large pine grove, camp, boat houses, landings and a sand beach.
Sleeping accommodations will be furnished in the camps including blankets. Two camps will be assigned as Squaw Camp. If you can bring a tent, and camp in the pine grove, you will be welcome to stay as long as you wish, and the camp site is excellent.
The Algonquin House at Bolton is about ten minutes walk from camp, and meals and rooms can be obtained there at a reasonable price.
- By train – Come to Lake George, N.Y., via D & H Railroad, and from there take Lake Steamer to Bolton Landing, or Auto Bus to Bolton. Canoes can be shipped by express to Bolton Landing, which is within a mile of camp. They will come to Lake George by rail and be transferred to Bolton Landing by Lake steamer.
- By automobile – Come to Lake George Village and go up the west side of the lake on the state highway to Bolton.
Notify the writer by return mail whether you will attend the camp or not. It is absolutely necessary that I know if you are coming, and whether you will stay at camp or hotel, in order to have accommodations for you.
There will be no camp tax.
Yours, With Best Wishes
Vice Commodore, Central Division
28 Mynderse Street
Schenectady, N.Y.