March 27, 1931 – JSA to Rabenold –
My dear Mr. Rabenold:
After learning from your talk over the telephone that the directors of the City Club had taken no action on the unanimous report of the Legislative Committee against the Hewitt amendment, and that the attitude of the City Club was largely influenced by Raymond Ingersoll, I wired Mrs. Dreier and talked with Mr. Peabody, and later today had a talk with Mrs. Moskowitz, who said she was very busy but would try to arrange to have a talk with Ingersoll tonight and if my coming down and having a talk with him would appear to be helpful she would let me know. Failure of the City Club to take action is quite discouraging since their help is very much needed in combating the amendment next Monday night.
At this writing I am at a loss to know what to do, but as you well know, we always do something, and if you have any suggestions I should only be too glad to carry the out wherever they may take me. We must improve every opportunity between now and Monday night. I feel that we should make all the showing we can against the bill although it does go through. Such opposition will hurt the opponents’ morale and of course improve ours when we make our statewide campaign. I understand that Ingersoll is quite close to Morganthau and the Governor, and may be conscientious both in his friendship and feelings that no hostile act pertaining to the measure which they have sponsored should be taken by the Club. This of course is speculation on my part. I am quite sure, however, as you are I believe, that this measure will do great harm to the Governor and Morganthau if it is debated, as it will be, all over the State.
Sincerely yours,
P.S. Wemple suggests that you have a talk with Louis A. Cuviller. Wemple says he is against the bill, but needs to be fortified and encouraged to talk against it. J.S.A.