- March 17, 1930 – Marjorie Hurd (recording sec.) to Miss Kathryn Fenn (New York Chapter )
Dear Miss Fenn:
I am writing to inform you that at the last meeting of the Council the following vote on the subject of the Black Rock Forest was passed:
“Voted: That the Club recommend that the Stillman property, known as Black Rock Forest, be eliminated from the proposed land taking in House Bill 8480, and that the secretary be instructed to transmit the vote to the proper authorities.”
In accordance with this vote I am today writing to Honorable W. Frank James, Chairman House Committee on Military Affairs in Washington.
At this same meeting the matter of Tongue Mountain Peninsula on Lake George was discussed and it was voted:
“To refer the matter to the New York Chapter for investigation and advice.”
Yours very truly,
Marjorie Hurd, Recording Secretary, pro tem