March 11, 1930 – JSA to A. S. Houghton

  • March 11, 1930 – JSA to A. S. Houghton –

Dear Mr. Houghton:

May I suggest that your letter of the 10th is rather unhappily worded, since it indicates that you are sensitive on the subject? My object in writing to Mr. Greeley was to get his opinion and also learn what action the Campfire Club has taken.

Your claims that the soft woods grow better just inside the recreation areas is somewhat new and surprising, in view of the many reports which show suitable land outside.

The Constitution as now worded prevents land bought by the Conservation Commission in the recreation areas outside of the blue line from being turned over to the lumber companies. The proposed revision, however, would not prevent such commercial operations, and even should a statutory measure be passed, we will have to agree that it can be modified at the eleventh hour of any crowded legislative session. It is for this reason that our foremost statesman placed the protection to our playground in the Constitution, after the abuse of our land and temptation to our state administration became intolerable. However charitable we may like to be, it is not fair to the present or coming generation to shut our eyes to the fact that one of our most eminent judges today removed the Conservation Commissioner while he was then Governor, for cause and many agree that it is not wise to place undue temptation before our public servants, particularly in this instance where there is ample land for carrying on all the commercial operations proposed, outside of the recreation areas.

I venture to add that knowing each other as we do, you are not surprised at my viewpoint, and I can assure you that I expected you would have the point of view which I find in your letter of the 10th.

Very truly yours,
