February 3, 1930 – JSA to Charles Mortreaux (Ottowa)

  • February 3, 1930 – JSA to Charles Morteaux (Ottawa) –

Dear Mr. Morteaux:

Physically I am back at my desk, but my mind is on the trails near Camp Fortune, and reflecting on the very generous hospitality which you and your members extended to my niece and I during our short visit. Everything was so interesting, and I was very disappointed not to have more time to slide on those very attractive hills.

I was particularly impressed with the sunshine which you and your club are giving so many people by introducing the healthy outdoor ski life to them. It is most assuredly real preparedness for peace of war in the best sense of the word.

I also enjoyed seeing the youngsters of all ages, sizes and forms sliding on the hills on my way over to the Dome Hill Lodge. You and your club have much to your credit and a very wonderful future ahead of you. I do hope it will be my good fortune to make contact with you again and help you to enjoy some of our country.

With many thanks from my niece and I for your very courteous treatment, I remain

Cordially yours,
