November 13, 1929 – JSA to Commissioner MacDonald

  • November 13, 1929 – JSA to Commissioner MacDonald – (Ford and Robinson Tract) Attn. – Mr. Fuller

Dear Sir:

About a week ago I talked with you over the ’phone about a check that was supposed to be made out to me at the time I signed a voucher or some other kind of paper including a certified copy of judgment sent by the Court of Claims, awarding my Claim 19003. These papers were signed by me on October 24th, and sent to Mr. O’Connor of the Attorney General’s Office.

Someone in your office, whose name I do not know, very kindly looked the matter up for me several times in the last week or ten days, assuring me that the check would be forthcoming in a day or two.

I am writing this letter with the idea that you may or may not know of the delay, and with the thought that I might eventually get this check while it is of real value to me, having spent the money for the State in an attempt to assist the Commission some five years ago.

If there is anything more that I might do to make the task easier at Albany in this respect, would be glad to have you call me up.


Very truly yours,
