September 5, 1929 – S. P. Nixdorff to Mary Loines (Bolton Landing) –
My dear Miss Loines:
Absence from town has delayed this letter to you, but I am glad to learn that Mr. Wood has or will erect a fence that will prevent any misuse of the land along our shore.
The new road has, as you know, reduced the size of my property to such an extent that my original plans have been changed. The location of our lines are fixed by the description in our deeds, and I am therefore not concerned about the exact location of the fence as long as you and I understand that this is a temporary arrangement.
Since my property will be benefitted by the fence, I will of course expect to pay my share of the expenses incurred, and would ask that you advise me the amount or have Mr. Wood send me a bill.
Cordially yours,
- P. Nixdorff