- August 14, 1929 – Henry Goddard Leach (The Forum, New York City) to JSA re: Governor Roosevelt, acquiring land on Eastern Shore of LG –
Dear Mr. Apperson:
You are as good a photographer as you are a mountain climber and champion of conservation. I have never been able to get such an idea of height in a picture taken on a mountain, and here we have Lake George laid out before us with the Islands and the land you have acquired for the people of New York, as well as the woods you are going to acquire.
The Governor is taking a friendly interest in the matter of the eastern shore and is well disposed toward ultimate acquisition. The administration still seems to feel that the property can be acquired later at a better price in spite of the impending highway. Within a few weeks I hope to discuss the matter further with the Governor.
Very sincerely yours,
Henry Goddard Leech