July 11, 1929 – JSA to Raymond Wilson


  • July 11, 1929 – JSA to Raymond Wilson –

Dear Raymond:

I have just returned from Association Island and find a card with two names on it, indicating a combine or joint ownership in a very wonderful undertaking, which reminds me of my promise t write you regarding a place on Lake George.

I do not yet know the date of your coming, but the little camp on the Northwest Bay side of Tongue Mountain, without neighbors, and which is considered by many as the most suitable place for starting the long journey, will be held in reserve for you and I suggest you write me the date you expect to occupy it.

If you happen to be coming through Schenectady on the weekend I will be more than pleased to take you up and land you at this camp which is called Woodchuck Temple.

With best wishes to both of you,

I remain, Cordially yours,
