December 15, 1936 – Thomas F. Malone to JSA

  • December 15, 1936 – Thomas F. Malone (Troy, New York) to JSA –

Dear Mr. Apperson,

Your letter to Robert Marshall, copy enclosed, seems to contain some excellent ideas, but the method of approach certainly is a tremendous problem. Would it not be possible to sound out the various members of the Board of Governors of the Adirondack Club to find out their individual opinions, and possibly crystallize the wild forest land advocates into a united block at their next Governors’ meeting. We could not possibly expect the group to enlist in our Conference, but they might at least alleviate the present situation created, or rather brought to a head, by their president’s statement of last week. I am now working on the Albany Chapter, many members of which I have occasion to meet. Their new chairman of the Chapter, Miss Eleanor Plum, I can almost say, is a wild forest advocate. Perhaps Raymond Torrey or George Marshall in the New York City area could sound out their Adirondack Governors in that area, although my dealings with Torrey in membership work in our conference has not been fruitful, perhaps he will work with you. Can you supply me with a list of the Governors of the Adirondack Mountain Club? I could use also about seventy-five copies of Jim Foote’s message for distribution at our Clubs annual dinner.

Thomas F. Malone